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  1. 3 cups almond meal spooned into the cup, loosely packed – See Note 1
  2. 1 cup caster/superfine sugar
  3. 1/8 tsp almond essence or to taste
  4. 3 egg whites
  5. 1 cup flaked almonds
  6. icing sugar to dust optional


  1. Preheat oven to 180 Degrees C (360 F).
  2. Place non-stick baking paper onto oven trays.
  3. Put almond flakes into a flat bowl or onto a plate.
  4. Combine almond meal, sugar and almond essence in a large bowl. Add the lightly beaten egg whites and stir until the mixture forms a firm paste.
  5. Roll small balls of the mixture, about 3 cm (or 1 1/4 inch) in diameter in the flaked almonds.
  6. Place the balls onto baking paper-lined oven trays and gently flatten them a little.
  7. Bake for about 12-15 minutes or until the biscuits are lightly browned.
  8. Cool on racks.
  9. Store in an airtight container for up to a week

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