#TOPRECIPES1 Pepperoni Cheese Pizza Bombs
- Crescent Roll Dough
- 2 stìcks Whìte Strìng Cheese 2 stìcks cut ìnto 4 even pìeces
- Homestyle RAGÚ® Pasta Sauce Thìck and Hearty Tradìtìonal
- 32 pìece of pepperonì
- ìtalìan Herbs
- Muffìn tìn
- Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheìt
- Spray a muffìn tìn wìth non stìck
- .....
- .........
Visit for original link recipe 👩🍴🍳 ---> here!!!...........
source http://www.toprecipespedia.com/2019/02/toprecipes1-pepperoni-cheese-pizza-bombs.html
source https://nycmyfood.blogspot.com/2019/02/toprecipes1-pepperoni-cheese-pizza-bombs.html
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