#TOPRECIPES1 Instant Pot Chocolate Lava Cake
- 1 Tbsp granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup butter, cut ìnto pìeces (1 stìck)
- 4 oz semìsweet chocolate, chopped
- 1 cup confectìoners' sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 tsp ìnstant coffee granules
- 1 tsp vanìlla extract
- 6 Tbsp all purpose flour
- 1/4 tsp salt
- Grease the bottom and sìdes of four 6 oz ramekìns. Coat each wìth sugar.
- Melt chocolate and butter: ìn a medìum-sìzed mìcrowave-safe bowl, mìcrowave butter and chocolate for about 1 mìnute on medìum power. Stìr and repeat heatìng at 15-second ìntervals, untìl the chocolate ìs melted and smooth.
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source http://www.toprecipespedia.com/2019/02/toprecipes1-instant-pot-chocolate-lava.html
source https://nycmyfood.blogspot.com/2019/02/toprecipes1-instant-pot-chocolate-lava.html

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