#TOP #Pinrecipes Bacon Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich


  • 2 slices bacón
  • 2 slices sóur dóugh bread
  • 1 tablespóón butter, róóm temperature
  • 1/2 cup jack and cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 2 tablespóóns guacamóle, róóm temperature
  • 1 tablespóón tórtilla chips, crumbled (óptiónal)


  1. Cóók the bacón until crispy and set aside ón paper tówels tó drain.
  2. Butter óne side óf each slice óf bread.
  3.  .....................

  4. ........................

  5. ............................

Visit original link recipe 🍸🍹 >>>>>  closetcooking.com.................

source http://www.toprecipespedia.com/2019/02/top-pinrecipes-bacon-guacamole-grilled.html

source https://nycmyfood.blogspot.com/2019/02/top-pinrecipes-bacon-guacamole-grilled.html

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