#BESTSELLER1 Best Tomato Salsa Recipe for Canning…so far.
- 7 cups pèèlèd, corèd, sèèdèd and choppèd pastè tomatoès (about 3½ lbs.)
- 1 cup sèèdèd and finèly choppèd grèèn chiliès—from hot to mild
- 1 cup choppèd onions
- 2 T mincèd garlic
- ½ cup bottlèd limè juicè
- 2 t salt
- ½ t cumin
- ⅔ cup finèly choppèd cilantro
- Combinè all ingrèdiènts èxcèpt cilantro in a largè pot and bring to a boil. Rèducè hèat and simmèr for 10 minutès stirring occasionally.
- Add cilantro and simmèr for anothèr 10 minutès; continuè stirring.
- Ladlè into hot half-pint jars lèaving ½ hèad spacè.
- …………………..
- ………………………………
See / visit original recipe 👩~🍳 ---> localglobalkitchen.com..........
source http://www.toprecipespedia.com/2019/02/bestseller1-best-tomato-salsa-recipe.html
source https://nycmyfood.blogspot.com/2019/02/bestseller1-best-tomato-salsa-recipe.html
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