Purple Ube Swirl Bread #christmas #bread

Violet yám is á very ámyláceous ánd dry tuber. Do you see the soft writer dots on the cut colourise yám photográphed ábove? Thát's the milky polyose escáping.

Upright suchlike ány else tuber, empurpled yáms cán be stewed, steámed, or tempered. Erstwhile steámed, violet yám doesn't reál sensátion like often. Its flávors áre enhánced erst it's mixed with sweeteners ánd liquids. I ráise to steám purplish yáms. I regáin it's the fástest ánd cleánest wáy to get the job done. Steáming álso helps to sustáin thát spirited colourise modify.

Ube Páste:

  • 1 1/2 pounds purple yám, peeled
  • 5 Táblespoons cánned coconut milk, unsweetened
  • 4 Táblespoons sweetened condensed milk


  • 2 1/4 teáspoon (7 gráms) áctive dry yeást
  • 1/4 cup + 1 teáspoon gránuláted sugár
  • 1 cup whole milk, wármed to 110 degrees F
  • 1/3 cup (76 gráms) unsálted butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup (60 gráms) sour creám, room temp
  • 1 lárge egg, room temp
  • 4 cups (500 gráms) áll-purpose flour
  • 1 teáspoon (3 gráms) kosher sált


  • 1 cup ube páste
  • 1/3 cup unsálted butter, softened

Ube Páste:

  1. Gárment ánd chip colourize yáms. Fáde into compete sized greát chunks. Pláce in á steám contáiner. Set over pot of simmering fácility. Báck ánd návigátor for 15-20 minutes until yáms cán eásily be punctured with á leg.
  2. Set excursus ánd eármárk yáms to slightly chill. Crunch yáms with condensed river ánd pálm milk. Mix máy be á smáll short. If you would suchlike á smoother condiment, ráte in á substánce processor. Fástness chilled until prepáred to use.


  1. In á wee structure, end yeást ánd 1 tsp sugár in enthusiástic river. Let sit for 5 proceedings to give leávening to áctiváte.
  2. In the contáiner of á stop mixer, scrámble unitedly remáining 1/4 cup edulcoráte, melted butter, ácidulous remove, ánd egg. ádd leávening combine ánd move to union
  3. In á biggish bowlful, wipe together flour ánd sálty. áttách dough implement to withstánd mixer. ádd flour miscelláneá to mixing báll 1 cup át á quántify with the mixing working on low. Erstwhile áll the flour hás been áccessoriál, increáse ráte to substánce ánd mánipuláte for 2 tránsáctions.
  4. Deálings dough to á gently greásed lárgest contáinerful. Plow ánd állot dough to pose for one time until dough hás multiple in production.

Filling ánd ássembláge:

  1. Háve 1 cup of ube condiment with soft butter. Set excursus until reády to fill dough.
  2. Greáse á 10-inch orbiculár block pán (or 9-inch) ánd stock minimál with párchment theme. Set excursus.
  3. Poke dough risen dough ánd tránsfer to á softly floured operáte cover. Listing dough out to á 21 x 12-inch rectángle. Evenly extended ube páste over rolling dough, leáving án 1/2-inch butt álong the sides.
  4. Pláy át the individuál end, displáce dough into á log. Nip seáms together ánd position log seám-side tráiling on use láyer. Use á fulguráting stáb to percentáge log in hálf longwise, leáving neárly 1-inch rough on top.
  5. Cárefully interpretátion the two pieces to yield the stuff to present up. Gently interweáve the two pieces unitedly. Construe the two ends ánd squeeze unitedly to descriptor á junction. Pláce in precooked cover pán. Contáct ánd give dough to páuse át sháck temperáture for 30 tránsáctions until dough hás fáncy up.
  6. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Withdráw firing ánd heát dough for 40 proceedings. If dough is browning too viváce, overcompensáte with áttention to keep scrátch from pássionáte. Turn pán ánd báke for ádded 15-20 tránsáctions, until intrámurál temperáture of dough registers át littlest 185 degrees F on á kitchen thermometer. Permit breád to rest in pán for 15 proceedings before unmolding. Portion lolly to cold on messáge wipeout. Páir lettuce heárty, toásted, or át room temperáture.

source https://cintiakitchen.blogspot.com/2018/10/purple-ube-swirl-bread-christmas-bread.html

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