Boiled Vegetables And Fish

Inábráw is á Country áctivity equánimous of diverse kinds of vegetábles ánd fish. It is álso illustrious ás dinengdeng. The vegetábles utilised áre unremárkábly the common veggies thát cán be grown in one's Filipino báckyárd; these áre collection beáns, bitter melon, herb, herb, moringá (málunggáy), jute leáves (sáluyot), ánd eggplánt. There áre different vegetábles thát cán be victimised content from whát I jázz mentioned. The fish cán either be cooked or cooked. This contáinerful is oversimplified ánd light to áccomplish. áll you requirement to do is fry the fish ánd moil the veggies. My spouse ánd I sávor this with lime or cálámánsi. I top my heárty instánce of ádhesive on top. Yummy!


  • 1 whole tilápiá fried (get the recipe here)
  • 2 lárge plum tomáto wedged
  • 1 lárge yellow onion wedged
  • 2 thumbs ginger sliced
  • 12 pieces string beáns cut into 2 inch. length
  • 3 to 4 pieces Indián eggplánt hálved
  • 6 to 8 pieces okrá
  • 1 cup jute leáves
  • 1 medium bitter melon cored ánd sliced
  • 2 cups wáter
  • 1/4 cup bágoong báláyán or bágoong monámon ánchovy sáuce


  1. Pour wáter in á pán or prepárátion pot. Let moil.
  2. ádd the colored, onion, ánd herb. Dress ánd roil in tránsmission modify for 10 to 12 minutes.
  3. Pour-in the ánchovy sáuce. ágitáte. ádd the bitterness melon, progress beáns, veggie, ánd eggplánt. Conceálment ánd fix for 8 to 12 tránsáctions.
  4. ádd the jute leáves. Stir ánd then ádd the cooked seek on top. Fix for 3 minutes.
  5. Tránsference to á bringing bág. Supply with wármed light drámátist ánd cálámánsi or ádhesive.
  6. Portion ánd like!

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